
5 Blog Posts found

26 August 2022

2022 GCSE Results

Once again we are celebrating superb GCSE results today, despite the challenges of the last 2 years.  HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to our year 11 students who have achieved so well.    There have been some exceptional individual and subject performances.    82% grade 4 and above in both English and Maths   71% grade 5 and above in both English and Maths   English    89% achieved grade 4- 9    76% achieved grade 5- 9    Maths   85% achieved grade 4- 9   76% achieved grade 5- 9   Top Grades 7-9    67% achieved grades 7-9 in Chemistry   64% achieved grades 7-9 in Computer Science   60% achieved grades 7-9 in Physics   94% achieved grades 4-9 in French   89% achieved grades 4-9 in Spanish   87% achieved grades 4-9 in RE   Grade 9   In total , our students achieved 91 grade 9s.   21 students achieved grades 7-9 in all of their subjects.   17 students achieved a grade 9 in RE;    14 students achieved a grade 9 in Maths    14 students achieved a grade 9 in English.     Students have shown enormous resilience over the last few years and we are so proud of each individual’s personal achievements.  We are so fortunate to have staff who go above and beyond to support our students in every way and today we celebrate the hard work and commitment of staff and students.   This success is testament to the high quality teaching and care that students receive and to our partnership with parents.  The Headteacher Mary O’Keeffe, said “I am delighted that so many individual pupils have achieved outstanding personal performance.  We are so proud of them  - they are truly amazing. I thank all the staff who have worked tirelessly to make this possible and our parents and families for their continued support of their sons. We are looking forward to them flourishing in our Sixth Form”
18 August 2022

College Celebrates Excellent A-Level Results 2022

College Celebrates Excellent A level Results 2022  Huge congratulations to our year 13 students on achieving excellent results again this summer, the first year of public examinations since 2019.   We are delighted that over 75% of our students achieved their first choice university place in what has been a highly competitive year.   Students have shown enormous resilience in the face of the significant challenges that the pandemic has posed and have made superb progress.  This is testament to their hard work, the high quality of teaching and support from our staff, and the support of parents and carers.      There were some exceptional results in specific subject areas especially at the A*/B boundary as follows:   A*/B grades  Biology 78%  Chemistry 82%  Computer Science 60%  Further Maths 100%  History 76%  Maths 60%  Philosophy and Ethics 63%  Physics 77%  We wish our Year 13 students every happiness and fulfilment as they embark on the next stage of their life journey.  They will remain part of our community and will be in our thoughts and prayers as they go into to world to make their mark.   “We are incredibly proud of the academic achievements and the wonderful results of our year 13 students but, as importantly, if not more so, we are proud of who they are.   They have developed in to fine young adults who will continue to make a positive contribution to society.   It is wonderful that our students have the academic qualifications that they need to access the universities and courses of their choice.  I am incredibly grateful to our dedicated staff who go above and beyond day in, day out to support our students.   This is a very happy day for St Ignatius College.   Mary O’Keeffe Headteacher  
22 August 2019

Students achieve fantastic GCSE Results in 2019

CONGRATULATIONS to students and staff at St Ignatius College on achieving superb GCSE results again this summer.  We are delighted that all the hard work has paid off and are very proud of our students’ achievements: We are incredibly pleased with our current headline: 72% grade 4 and above in both English and Maths 56% grade 5 and above in both English and Maths English 83% achieved grade 4- 9 66% achieved grade 5- 9 Maths 74% achieved grade 4- 9 63% achieved grade 5- 9 We are especially pleased with the number of higher grades across a range of subjects with 23% of our grades overall  at 7-9.   Students achieved grades 7-9 as follows: Maths, 29% of students achieved grades 7 – 9 English, 23% of students achieved grades 7 – 9 Physics (64%), Chemistry (61%), Biology (51%), French (27%).   The following students achieved grade 9 in maths: Darwin Clark, Mihir Hurwanth, Sanjay Karunakaran, Denzel Kesse, Leon Srikantha The following students achieved grade 9 in English: Andrei Antenor, Piotr Chilinski, Kene Chukwuma, Jaden Diaz-Ndisang, Ethan Fellows The following students achieved grade 9 in English Literature: Abin Anil, Ashley  Dougan,  Kesse Denzel Kesse, Ayman Khalil, Daniel Shaw A huge congratulations to students with exceptional performances as follows: Students achieving grades 7 – 9 in all their subjects: Antenor Andrei; Jaden Diaz-Ndisang; Ashley Dougan; Ethan Fellows; Max Getling; Sanjay Karunakaran; Sean O’Brien; Daniel Shaw; Gabriel Sigua; Leon Srikantha We are very proud of each individual child and their own personal achievements. Today we celebrate the hard work and commitment of students and staff. This success is testament to the high quality teaching, support and pastoral care that students receive and to our partnership with parents.  The Headteacher Mary O’Keeffe, said “I am delighted that so many individual pupils have achieved outstanding personal performance.  I congratulate them and I thank all the staff who have worked tirelessly to make this possible.  We thank our parents for their continued support of their sons.  It is only by working in partnership that we achieve such success.”     
25 August 2018

GCSE Success at St Ignatius College

CONGRATULATIONS to students at St Ignatius College on achieving superb GCSE results this summer when nearly all qualifications were reformed and reported on the new scale 1-9. We are delighted with students’ achievements: 73% achieved grade 4 and above in both English and Maths 50% achieved grade 5 and above in both English and Maths English 81% achieved grade 4- 9 68% achieved grade 5- 9 Maths 77% achieved grade 4- 9 54% achieved grade 5- 9 We are especially pleased with the number of higher grades across a range of subjects. Students achieved grades 7-9 as follows: Physics (57%), Biology (37%), Chemistry (37%), Music (30%), PE (27%), Maths (24%). We are very proud of each individual child and their own personal achievements. Today was a day to celebrate the hard work and commitment of students and staff. There were some superb individual performances with one student achieving 6 grade 9, and other students achieving all grade 7 - 9. We are exceptionally proud of the support and pastoral care that students receive and of our partnership with parents. The Headteacher Mary O’Keeffe, said “I am delighted that so many individual pupils have achieved outstanding personal performance. I congratulate them and I thank all the staff who have worked tirelessly to make this possible. Above all, I thank our parents for their continued support of their sons, our pupils. It is only in working in partnership that we achieve such success.”

5 Blog Posts found

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@st_ignatius Feb - 11
The Speak Out regional final was a great event that showcased Enfield's young talent and highlighted 's excellent workshops. We congratulate every competitor and applaud our speakers who came first and third- well done!
@st_ignatius Feb - 10
This week the Word of the Week is Hagiography, the biography of a saint or venerated person. The Inspirational person of the week is Manu Gaspar, a human rights activist in the Philippines. #AMDG
@st_ignatius Feb - 8
Thought provoking. As part of our Magis curriculum, our Year 7 students went to see Pig Heart Boy at London's Unicorn Theatre. It prompted some very interesting conversations.
@st_ignatius Feb - 7
Aiming high! Year10 spent a fantastic day at Oxford University, visiting some of the colleges and even participating in a neuroscience session! They were commended for their excellent contributions and we hope to see some of them back there in a few years!
@st_ignatius Feb - 4
Counting down! We can't wait to host the Speak Out Regional Final here on Monday. It is sure to be a inspirational night celebrating young voices delivering speeches in a range of subjects. And good luck to our Year 10 Ignatians who are participating!
@st_ignatius Feb - 3
We're supporting with ! This year's theme is 'Knowing Yourself, Growing Yourself', encouraging self-discovery and growth.
@st_ignatius Feb - 3
Last Thursday, we hosted an Options Evening for our Year 9 students. This was an great opportunity for them to learn more about their GCSE options and help them decide which subject they would like to choose. Thank you to everyone that helped and supported on the night.
@st_ignatius Feb - 3
Happy Monday Everyone! We are back with yet another Inspirational Person of the Week and Word of the Week. This week we have Alexander George and the noun 'Self-awareness'.
@st_ignatius Jan - 30
Today, on the 10th anniversary of his death, we remember our Old Ignatian student and friend, Shaquan Sammy-Plummer.
@st_ignatius Jan - 30
Our students and Staff had an amazing Lunch yesterday in celebration of Lunar/Chinese New Year ! Thank you to The Pantry Kitchen!#AMDG
@st_ignatius Jan - 29
Lovely session today with Great to be able to demonstrate the power of Connect when analysing outcomes and tracking student progress at KS4.
@st_ignatius Jan - 29
To celebrate Lunar/Chinese New Year the catering team will be serving a Chinese cuisine menu today!#LunarNewYear